
Welcome to my blog! Here you will find the lexsentials to my life. I have a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health and am here to share my passion for all things nutrition, wellness, fitness, pre + postnatal care and motherhood.

BBG Month 2 of 3 Complete: Progress Post

BBG Month 2 of 3 Complete: Progress Post

Month 2 of 3. COMPLETE. As I continue on my fitness journey through Kayla Itsines: BBG (Bikini Body Guide) Program, here is my two month check in. You can also find my BBG one month check in post here.

Correction to my point in my one month post where I mention that it gets easier as you go. So while it definitely does get easier as you go, it also gets harder as you go. Let me explain. What gets easier: you're building strength so naturally after doing push-ups for example, consistently, you will be able to do more and they won't feel as hard as the first time you did them. Push-ups are definitely one of those exercises that becomes more manageable when you build the arm strength. My tip for them - always push yourself to do that one last push up that you thought you couldn't do (so whatever push-up you think is your last - do just one more...this will build your strength for your next set, similar to when you sprint at the end of a run to build muscle and stamina for your next run). What gets harder: the workouts. Clearly I didn't look ahead in the program at what exercises were coming up in months 2 or 3. Month 2 picks it up, A LOT. So while you are building strength and any repetition exercises from month 1 become easier (jump lunges get easier I promise!), you are also doing much harder workouts so that will be your challenge. 

My Asics are doing me good. I was having some knee pain during month one with my Nikes (during lunges and jumps). I pulled the trigger on a new pair of Asics for more support and my knees haven't been bothering me. 

Modify when necessary. I've been making modifications to adjust to the gym that I'm using and also my wrist injury. My modifications so far include:

  1. using weights when doing any type of pushup for wrist support (you can read more on my wrist injury and those specific modifications here)
  2. air jump roping (I tried using a real jump rope but it was hitting the ceiling so I decided I like air jump roping better...plus it's budget friendly). Also skipping = air jump roping
  3. I do the "weighted wide squats on bench" on the floor because I don't have two benches. Your weights only come down to where your feet are (not below them) so this seems to work fine. 

Decline push ups AND Legs & Cardio Day (week 6 & 8) are KILLERS.

My jeans don't fit. OK so they do fit but I have to ya know, hop around my bedroom to get in them. If I wore them a few times without washing then they're fine, but if they just came out of the dryer then they are definitely tight AF. So for a second, I was like WTF I'm getting fat. Because naturally, that is the immediate reaction to your jeans being tight. BUT I don't feel fat. I definitely feel more muscular and Bryan seems to think that I'm getting a nice butt with this new routine, so maybe my pancake booty is actually developing into a small peach emoji which is causing the jeans to be tighter. I'm definitely eating more, so my weight could just be balancing out with my new increased intake of calories too. 

I'm getting real abs. I had abs back in the day. I don't know where they went but BBG has helped them resurface from wherever they were hiding. This is one of my main motivators (aside from feeling really good overall). I mean it is called the BBG program after all right? So when you see those bikini abs start to pop, you will also want to keep at it and work hard, whether you fit in your jeans or not! I'm hoping that my jeans don't get any tighter than they already are (to the point where they actually don't fit) but I'm definitely going to stick this out through the end of month 3 and see where I end up. 

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